Hey all. I am bored at work right now - not really wanting to be productive. Instead I decided to write a little ditty on my blog. Really, there isnt a whole lot to say. But, heres a rundown on what is happening..
I have only 5 more class days with my students before the quuarter is done. Of those 5 days, one is a review for the final, one is the final and the last day is a make up final/work day. Which means, I have 2 days of actual teaching left. 2 days. I cant really complain though. My algebra class got pretty much where they were supposed to. My geometry class is a little behind, but I saw that coming.
My dance girls were supposed to have practice last night, and I had 1 show up. We will see if I have any tonight.. Who really knows. We normally dont practice on Tuesdays, but i put up a sign on the door coming into school that if they wanted to practice after school today, I had their dance CD's ready to go.
Tonight, Im going to watch "Lost" with Meghan at Dave's house. He has the last 2 episodes DVRed for us. Yes, we are 2 weeks behind. So, im very much looking forward to seeing what Ive missed.
Last night I made some kick ass fajitas. I was very impressed with the turn out- not that they are hard to make, but mine were yumm.. yum... good.
Alright, thats enough for now. Thanks for reading..