Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy Birthday to me..

As of yesterday - I am officially 26.. That means my 20's are halfway over.. That is kind of depressing.. Really, Its 11:32pm.. Im tired and really dont feel like writing.. Im going to bed!! More later.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It always amazes me..

Today, for part of the class, we are watching Polar Express. It amazes me that the students complain about what a kid movie it is, and how stupid it is. Though, 15 minutes later - I have got a silent class, 90% of which are enthralled in watching the movie. The ther 10% - (that is 1 student) and he has his head down.. But, considering almost off of them were complaining that they did not want to watch it...

I think they just like to complain..

Oh, and 3 days until Christmas vacation!! Im very excited

Monday, December 18, 2006

1 week to go...

There is only one week remaining until Christmas. I am officially done Christmas shopping.. I went and did most of it on Friday, and bought the final item on Saturday afternoon. Everything is wrapped and ready to be carted home. I wrapped it all on saturday, and put it in a pile, in my room, about a foot away from Zoey's kennel. I left for a bit - came home, and Zoey had somehow managed to reach the pile of presents - at least one of them. By reached, I mean she tried to eat all the paper off of it. What she managed to do, was chew one entire side of the wrapping off of the gift. Needless to say, when I got home - I moved the presents over farther from her kennel. How she got to them to begin with, I dont know. Shes little, and they were a good foot from her kennel - Im telling you, my dog is Houdini.. She amazes me with her skills some days..

On the present note again, I have yet to rewrap that present, which I am goign to have to do - I dont think my sister would appreciate a present with the wrapping present half eaten by dog.. lol.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

How things have changed....

I did this in November 2004. I thought I would repost the one I did then, and write how things have changed since then..The black is the original post - the red is my update.. Here goes nothing..

Random Stuff about me - 87 Random things to be exact..
1. Birthday is Dec. 28 (Ill be 24) - Still is, but I will be 26
2. I love the color blue I still do
3. I wear too much pink well... sometimes I do..
4. My hair is currently 3 different colors Ahh.. not anymore - just brown
5. I used to like N’Sync and still really do Yep - i still do...
6. I love Bon Jovi True fact
7. I really want to be a mom Most days I still do....
8. I love Rocky Rococo pizza When I eat it I do..
9. I love wearing pigtails (though I don’t very often) I never wear them anymore
10. My best friend is Hannah Hannah and I are still really close
11. I hate coffee Still do
12. My lowest grade in college was a B- Havent been to college since then
13. I love the computer game Zuma Oh, that is a good game, dont play it much anymore
14. It bothers me when people interrupt Yeah.. and my students interrupt a lot
15. My friendships are incredibly important to me they are..
16. I love my big sister Definately..
17. I hate stupid people and there are a lot of them..
18. My favorite flower is the daisy It really is a pretty flower
19. I was gifted in elementary school (not sure what happened – lol) I agree on this one
20. My ideal job is playing guitar for a country singer Yeah, in my dreams..
21. I have been to Nashville every June since 1996 I didnt go for a while, but I did this past June 22. I love canned Iced Tea I do, though I dont drink it much anymore
23. I am happy about 90% of the time That is fair to say..
24. I am certified to teach grades 1-9 I am.. and will be certifiend alternative ed. shortly
25. I teach grades 9-12 Still do
26. I live in a renovated attic
27. My favorite movie is “Where the heart is” I also love "The Lake House"
28. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp Hes on the top of the list
29. I am obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer I was - and would be - if it were still on
30. I wake up at 6:25 every morning Nope, now its 6:15
31. I hate gold This is definately still true
32. I know how to knit a scarf Now, I can also crocket!! Im making a blanket
33. I have a Guinea Pig named Leo He died - now i have a dog named Zoey
34. Scrapbooking is a stress reliever I havent scrapbooked in a long time, but I need to
35. I blog about nonsense yep, and some days I teach nonsense
36. Country music is an obsession with me It was, but I listen to everything now
37. I know way to much useless country trivia depends on who it is about
38. My apartments heat doesn’t work- and its winter in WI I live in a house now, and the heat works
39. I have one sister yep - still one
40. My brother lives in Texas Still does
41. I have 2 nieces and 3 nephews True...
42. I am easy to please most of the time I still am
43. I love to read most of the days I do
44. Often, I am reading 2 books at the same time I try to stick to one now
45. I am a movie nut – though Im not good with actor/actress names Yep - though I quit working pt at the video store
46. Text Messaging is an addiction I still love it, but its not an addiction
47. It is almost as bad as Instant Messaging I never instant message anymore
48. I love to watch Karaoke Same here - havent been to a karaoke show in forever
49. I had a dog named, Toby, for 4 days this is true - I did
50. My dream house will have a wrap around porch Still is
51. It will also have a porch swing that hangs from the top At least i hope so
52. My hair was purple at one time. Dont ask why, but it was
53. My eyebrow was pierced for a while Yes, yes it was
54. I got a tattoo about 3 months ago on the small of my back I have a 2nd one now too..
55. I hate grocery shopping I dont mind it anymore
56. I am very concerned about being on time deinately
57. I was on my first city bus this summer Still havent been on many
58. I graduated college Cum Laude with a 3.6 gpa true fact
59. I love acting stupid with my best friend sometimes, I do
60. It doesn’t happen nearly enough tell me about it
61. My students make me laugh every day usually
62. They also make me wonder what will happen to them after the graduate I do
63. My students are high school drop-outs or teen parents. Yep, they still are
64. I love dogs Ive got 3 living with me now..
65. I get drunk very quickly Yep, I still do
66. DVR is something I have grown to love I still love it, though I no longer have it.
67. I think Nashville Star is better than American Idol Ahh.. well.. that is up for discussion
68. I want to get married sometime. This is still true - Im not getting younger...
69. Sometimes, I stare off into space Doesnt everybody??
70. Catching snowflakes on my tongue is great Regressing back to childhood here? But, I still do
71. I love to play in mud puddles Yep - it makes you hapy
72. My friends are all amazing I really do think so
73. I have never had a cigarette in my mouth Yuck - and never will
74. Im a Bud Light girl Much to Dave's distress - I am
75. My baths last 10-12 songs I miss baths.. I need to start taking them again..
76. I love to color I still do - it is a great stress reliever
77. Often times, I wonder if water towers are completely full of water I still dont know this answer
78. When I moved 1.5 ago, I flushed my live fish down the toilet I did flush it down the toilet
79. I think learning should be hands on I definately do!
80. I love Christmas lights Definately! and its christmas time! YAY!
81. I love having my neck kissed Ah.. Indeed I do...
82. I wish people didn’t lose touch This is still something I struggle with
83. Im really not a very good driver – I don’t like lanes I havent gotten much better
84. Preferably, I would rather not have to wear shoes Still dont really like shoes
85. My guitar playing is not where I would like it to be and I havent played in a while
86. I love my moms meatloaf Yumm...
87. My voicemails messages ramble on If you have gotten one from me lately, you know this is still true!!

Happy birthday to my Hannie

Happy 25th birthday to Hannah!! Yay... In college we both had these hoodies that we absolutely loved, and for a while - wore everywhere.. Hannah's was orange and mine was green.. Mine you, neither one was a very pretty shade of orange or green. But, they were extrememly comfortable. We always called ourselves peas and carrots.. Because - well, we used to go together like peas and carrots..

This picture is a tribute to our pea and carrot-ness

Monday, December 11, 2006

Sylvie - Foster #2

So, after 2 weeks with only 2 dogs - the Humane Society called Meghan again in need of our home. On Thursday our newest foster dog joined our home. She came to us nameless - and was quickly named Sylvie. She is a 4 week old Terrier Mix (yes, that means she is tiny). She is tiny and not potty trained. Since she is so small, she cant go outside and potty because of the cold, so we are trying to Potty train her using the potty pads.. It works sometimes. When we take her out of her kennel and put her on the pad she will go right away and she has walked over to it to potty a few times.. But, she hasnt quite gotten the hang of it, that she needs to go over there ALL the time..

I dont know.. She is really cute though, and very cuddly.. That I have decided for sure.. otherwise, I dont really miss having a puppy.. they are cute, but they can be lots of work.. Meghan and I spent 30 minutes (at least) last night trying to get her to potty... She hadnt gone in a while, and just woke up from napping inside meghan's sweatshirt (long story) and we knew that she would have to potty, but she refused to go.. Absolutely refused.. so, we refused to let her get down and play.. finally, after about an hour - at least - she pottied..

I will post a picture soon - i just have to take my camera home so that I can!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Im going back to bed..

For the first time, for as long as I can remember, MPS has closed schools today.. That means - my school is closed as well!! Yay!! No work for Sarah - what else does that mean? It means Im going to go snuggle up on the coach and go sleepy some more..

Seriousely though, I woke up this morning and got ready for work - because MPS never closes schools - we were talking about it at work yesterday how nobody can remember when they actually did.. And, here I sit.. Its a day that I will much use and enjoy to my self...