Saturday, February 26, 2005

Chasin' Mason Show

I just posted some pics from last nights CHASIN' MASON show at Kelly's Bleachers in Wind Lake. There arent that many, but I thought I would give you all a taste of it.. Go to to check out their upcoming tour dates... Enjoy the pics. i have a ton more, so there may be more coming!!

Billy Posted by Hello

Chasin' Mason boys Posted by Hello

Billy and Jimmy.... Posted by Hello

Me and Billy (lead singer of Chasin' Mason) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Old and new friends..

Last night, I went to a karaoke contest at a bar about 15 minutes from me house. I went having no intention of singing whatsoever. I had been on-line earlier that day and talking to Billy (the lead singer of Chasin' Mason) and he mentioned that he was going to be there judging it. We are currently in the process of talking promotions for the band, but I have never "formally" met him. So, I thought it would be a good idea - smaller setting. The perfect place to say hi. Though, I didnt want to go alone.. But, I was also talking to a friend who was interested in going. So, we decided to go together and meet up there. I decided about 15 min later that I wasnt going to go, and then about an hour later that I was going again. Finally, I am out the door.. Drive to the bar.. and see nobody. No friend (the fellow Chasin' Mason fan) and no Billy... I hate being places when i dont know anybody - you look like such a dork. Oh well. Friend showed up, Blah, blah, blah.... But, kinda boring and blah, blah.. Billy came in about 15 min after I got there.. I kinda ditched friend for a while... Got to talking with Billy about general stuff and promotion stuff.. Super nice (and cute guy)... Hopefully can get going on this REAL soon - Im excited to be part of the promotional team. Okay, so about an hour after I got there these 2 people walked in the door.. i did one of those takes when you know you know someone - but gotta place them. I hadnt seen Joey or Wendy in 5 or 6 months... But, I was escatic to see them again. Mind you.. These are friends that I would never call up to hang out with.. But, they are my karaoke friends.. i used to see them a couple times a week at karaoke shows.. Needless to say, we had a LOT to catch up on.. I only stayed until 11:45 or so. I needed to get home and get some sleep.. I had to work today.... Its not like the summer when I could stay out until bar close every night and not even let it phase me.. Overall, it was a really good night.. Finally, met Billy.. and got to see some old friends.. Very eventful!

A little randon info about me...

1. What time do you get up? 6:35 (at my house) 6:00 (at Steve's house)
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Living or dead? Johnny Depp
3. Gold or silver? Silver - all the way - dont show me any gold...
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Hitch - Highly recommended!
5. What is your favorite TV show? Nashville Star
6. What do you have for breakfast? Today: nothing.. sometimes: cereal
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Anybody who forgot to charge their brain last night.
8. What/who inspires you? anybody positive
9. What is your middle name? Marie - booooring
10. Beach, city, or country? small town (is that allowed)
11. Favorite ice cream? marshmallowy stuff....
12. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? Kettle corn (that should be an option)
13. Favorite color? Midnight Blue
14. What kind of car do you drive? 2001 Nissan Altima
15. What characteristic do you despise? Dishonesty
16. Favorite flower? Daisy. Especially if they are the big ones that are fun colors
17. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go? Australia
18. What color is your bathroom? Yellow (very well may be the ugliest bathroom in the world)
19. Favorite local band: CHASIN' MASON (Check them out at )
20. Favorite day of the week? Wednesdays: week is half over and I get to see Steve
21. What did you do for your last birthday? Stuck at my parents, sick with the flu
22. Where were you born? Wausau, WI
23. Favorite sport to watch? Football (though, only when i can be AT the game)
24. What laundry detergent do you use? Whatever is around
25. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
26. Are you a morning person or a night owl? depends on the day
27. What is your shoe size? 8.5
28. Do you have any pets? I have a Guinea Pig names Leo
29. What is the title of the last book you read? Tales of a Drama Queen, by: Lee Nichols

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Check out Chasin' Mason...

You all need to check out this band, Chasin' Mason

I have been a fan fora while, but thought I would post the address to this site so that all of you could see how amazing they are as well. Chasin' Mason is acountry band that plays in the midwest. Their style is new county with a bit of older stuff thrown in. I fell in love with them about a year ago.. and plan on seeing them again on Friday!! YAY!!!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Might be from Wisconsin if...

This is sad.... because the ones im going to post, I have either experienced or agree with....

you have gotten frostbitten and sunburned all in the same week. you know what cowtipping is.
you have no problem spelling Milwaukee.
you know how to polka.
you think the start of deer season is a national holiday.
you know where Waukesha is AND can pronounce it.
you can visit Luxemburg, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Berlin, New London & Poland all in one afternoon.
the local paper covers major headlines on 1 page, but requires 4 pages for sports. you drink soda and refer to your dad as "pop."
you find 0 degrees a little chilly.
you actually understand these jokes.
your definition of a small town is one that only has one bar...
you used to think Deer Season was included as an official school holiday...
the snow on your roof in August weighs more than you do...
you think that Lutheran and Catholics ARE the major religions.....
there was at least one kid in your class who had to help milk cows in the morning...phew!
you have to drive thirty minutes to the nearest movie theater.
you know how to pronounce "brat".
your school lost half their student body during deer season.
at every wedding you have been to you have had to dance the hokey pokey and the chicken dance.
you know it's traditional for the bride and groom to go bar hopping between the ceremony and the reception.
you have ever been to State Street in Madison during a protest of something.
you have drank "white soda" (ie 7Up, Sprite, etc).
you have experienced snow storms in April.
you have had school closed due to wind chills and frostbite warnings.
you have ever partied at Summerfest, Festa Italiana,German Fest, Irish Fest or all of the above. you or someone you know was a "Dairy Princess" at a county fair.
you've seen a hodag.
you've taken your kids trickortreating in a blizzard
you know where Oconomowoc is AND can pronounce and spell it.

6 Minutes and then 3 days without them...

My last post was a little list of "have you evers". my students were playing the game, in class today during some free time, and I thought I would make a tiny lil' list for my own version of the game.
New happenings in the life of Sarah. Nothing really. Im going to see the Love Monkeys on Saturday with some of my friends. Im looking forward to that. I havent gone out in a lloonnnggg time.. So, Im completely looking forward to being out with some friends, drinking (probably a little too much), and just having an overall good time. Tomorrow, I may do lunch with my mom in the afternoon. I am not sure. I have to call my mom tomorrow morning and see what her schedule is. It all depends on what her schedule is. She is visiting a friend this weekend that lives an hour from me, so I might drive over there. Otherwise, my mom lives 3.5 hours from me.
I work tonight - big surprise. I seem to work every Friday night. At least I know that I have every Saturday off.. I like not having to work on Saturdays. 1 day a week that I know I will have absolutely nothing to do... I like that fact.

I am done with students in 6 minutes for the weekend. Heck, Im done with them until Tuesday. There is no school on Monday. A 3 day weekend for me. A wonderful concept. The joys of being a teacher. No, the joy of being a teacher - is teh 3 months of summer vacation you get. Even though, I spend those 3 months teaching summer school. At least I chose to do that - Plus, its some extra $$ and I can use that right about now!

I have.. Have you....

  • Made an angel in freshly fallen snow
  • Walked a tightrope along a sidewalk crack
  • Watched cloud shapes go by while laying on your back
  • Splashed in puddles right after a rainstorm
  • Jumped into a leaf pile with a big "poof"
  • Wanted something to so bad you couldnt sleep
  • Found the one you've dreamed of all your life
  • Been on National TV (I was on CMT)
  • Met a celebrity
  • Ridden a camel
  • Been out of the country
  • Gone out in public in your pajamas
  • Planned your week based on the TV guide (not a regular occurance!)
  • Gotten a tattoo
  • Had a Boa Constrictor around around neck (yes, that really big snake)
  • Slept overnight for concert tickets

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Moving.. again...

Its official... I am moving to Oconomowoc. Now, I dont mean that I am moving tomorrow.. Not for 2 months - my landlord is a little "off the wall" and wants 2 months notice. Thats crazy - buts its in my lease so I gotta go by it.. Unfortunately.. I am going to move into the upper of a house. Its a 2 bedroom, and I like it a lot. Im moving in with Steve. Hes actually moving in the beginning of March.. and then Im coming around mid April or so. Who knows for sure. But, I just talked to my sister and she is going to come and help me move.. So, Im excited about that. Im just going to move boxes a little at a time until everything is moved in. Im glad that I am not going to have to move in a matter of 2 days again like I did last time. I should be able to bring stuff over a matter of weeks.. So, that is good..
Enough about my moving.. Ive got stuff to do..

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Post Valentine's Day

Here it is, the day after Valentines Day. Unfortunately, I had to work last night, the whole night, so I didnt get to spend V-day with my sweetheart. Though, I cant really complain. I got to spend the ENTIRE weekend with him. I am talking Friday night-Monday morning. Correction: I got to spend some of Valentines day with Steve. He stayed by my house Sunday night, so I had Monday morning (until 5:30am) and then from 2:30-3:00pm - between him getting to my house after work and having to leave to get to his house. Then, it was off to work for my from 5pm - 12:45am. What wonderful fun. There were crazy video returns... Oh well. Came home, and like an idiot stayed up until 2:15am. I am just so awake when I get home, that I cant go to sleep right away - Im such a bozo.

So, this morning.. I was all cozy - enjoying my 4 hours of sleep for the night, when my phone rings at 6:23am. First of all, I almost broke my phone trying to answer it. It was on the charger and I pulled it while answering and almost pulled the cord out and broke the charger. It was a mess.. But, I managed to answer it. Whew. It was Steve. Making sure that I was getting up for work on time. Told him I had 10 more min to sleep. Hung up, and he called back 10 min later... I was already up - the first call had not allowed me to go back to bed.. Oh well, it was great to hear from him this morning. Oh, how i love that boy.....

Now, I am at work. Its 2:47pm. I am waiting to leave at 3:00.. My actual work day today was nuts. The students were just out of control. They were in and out of class, not wanting to work. Complaing. Everything. I dont know. Days like this make me want to pull my hair out... If I didnt love these kids so much, I would pull my hair out. Oh, and I found out this morning that Sabrina (one of my 16 year olds in my first hour) had her baby on Sunday - a little boy. She wasnt due for 3 more weeks, but she was huge and we knew she was going to go early.

Tonight, I am finally (hopefully) going to get my cable fixed. At least my channel 6 (FOX) fixed. That is the only station that does not work. If the cable man comes tonight and tells me he cant fix it, I am going to fly off the handle. I have missed 2 1/2 weeks of American Idol. If I have to miss one more, I am going to be iriate. On a happier note, NASHVILLE STAR premieres the first week in March. So, excited about that. I like that show better than American Idol... But, just my luck. The show will start and my USA station will go out. Oh, I would be.. i dont even know what i would be.. i would just BE!!

Enough for now, I get to go home in8 min. I should shut down my computer and lock everything up.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Dont mess that up..

Monday, once again. It seems that my favorite day to write is on Mondays. I am not exactly sure why that is. But, I always get the urge to write on Monday, and then forget the rest of the week. Nothing ever exciting happens over the weekend, but I always report on Monday - the non exciting occurances of my weekend. Once again, I spent it with Steve. I worked Friday night until close - which meant I was there until 12:40am. What a wonderful thing.. Then, went home to find Steve and Justin crashed out on the floor of my living room. Why - you may ask? Steve had to work on Saturday morning at 6am... So, they stayed at my house so I could watch Justin while he worked. All went well. No castrophes. Whew.. Then around 1:00, went to his house.. Didnt do much there. watched a movie, did dinner... etc.. all that good stuff.... Sunday, had to work from 3-10.. but, got sent home at 6:30. The store was dead - I was not surprised. It was the superbowl.. How many free tv's are there going to be, even if somebody didnt want to watch it. Somebody probably was using the tv to watch it. lol.

Work today was good.. my students were productive.. Tony was hilarious.. He was complaining about teachers and in the midst of trying to get him to stop, I said "Tony, are there any teachers you like?" With that, I got this response from him "yeah, Joe and Debi are cool. But, they arent real teachers. And, so far - I like you - Dont mess that up!". It was just quite the comment. I am not to mess up the fact that so far he likes me. How I do that, I am not sure, but i will do my best. lol. I work tonight at Family Video. from 4-10. I am just glad that I am not closing. Im tired and want to get to bed at a decent time. work till 10, come home and shower.. all that good stuff...

But, enough for now. I will talk to you later..

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Im such a deliquent..

I have become so bad about staying current on my entries. I think my schedule has gotten the best of me. Things are just getting crazy. Sometimes I think my head is going to fly off... Today Im working from 7:30am - 9:00pm with just a break from 3:40-4:00 (just enough time to get from one job to the other). I do not really like days like these. They kinda suck. Then, tomorrow I teach from 7:30am - 2pm and then work the video store from 4pm-12:30am. at least there will be a 2 hour break there (thank goodness).

I have been sick for the past week - I think I may finally be better. Yippee!! A week is way to long.. especially, when you are dating somebody. It has been a week, since I kissed Steve - 7 days. I have seen him during those 7 days - we just have not allowed the kiss.. We have this problem where he got me sick, and once he got better, we didnt want to get him sick again.. and no kisses was the solution. So, now, when I see him on Saturday... kiss, kiss... (lol)

My week has gone really good. My students/classes have all gone really well. Nothing big to complain about. I am tired, but that is to be expected. What do I expect? To be able to work 2 jobs (a 40 hour one and a 20 hour one), and see my sweetheart and not be tired.. Not possible.. But, at least I can pay my bills... major plus.. ahh.. what we are willing to do to be able to pay bills.. ha ha..

Im extrememly thirsty and have NOTHING to drink. How terrible is that? what a horrid, horrid thing to happen to anybody.. I may have to venture out to the water fountain, and face the germ infested metal... Eww...

Okay, so now its time for me to rant about cable. I have got digital cable at my house, which I love for 1 simple reason - DVR. The abiility to record, stop, slow, forward, pause... what a joy. All the EXCEPT, mine doesnt work - well, it works - to some extent. Channel 6 (FOX) does not come in. All I get is a black screen. I am not sure when this happened, I just know I am NOT happy about it. I found this out yesterday at 6:57pm. I turned on FOX to watch American Idol, but all i got was a black screen. Oh, was I pissed off.. Back to Tuesday - I wasnt home so I DVR'd American Idol on Tuesday - got home Wednesday and went to watch it and discovered that it had not DVR'd. I thought the DVR was being dumb and malfunctioning. No, it did not record, because FOX was not playing on Tuesday night either... From investigating, I found out that FOX has not worked since AT LEAST Sunday - Steve tried to watch "The Simpsons" on Sunday, and FOX was just a black screen then too.. I dont know, but this better be fixed soon, or I am going to fly off the handle - they are making me pay to not watch american idol...