So much to talk about today - school, volleyball and Dave's accident
1st quarter is almost over - 2 more days to be exact before I start with a whole new bunch of students. Well, maybe "whole new" is not right - a lot of the students I would have had before - but there will be new ones that I havent had. This coming quarter I am doing geometry 1 and personal finance.
But, back to this quarter. Today, I am giving all my classes their final exam. It amazes me that students decide to ditch class on the day of their exam. For example: 1st hour - there are 15 students normally there on a day and today I had 6 there to take the exam. Right now it is 3rd hour, I normally have about 12 here during the class and Ive got 5 taking the exam. Students seem to think if they dont take the final that it just doesnt count at all towards them instead of the reality that if they dont take it its a 0/100 points. Which - as you may know - is a good chunk of grade. Will the students stay after school on Friday (the only time the exam can be made up) to take it? Most of them - no.. and for some of them it will make the difference in them passing or not. Its sad - but Ive stressed the importance of being here for the test and that if they miss it that it counts as a 0. I dont know what else I could have done to relay that info.
Now, onto volleyball - we had to forfeit again last night because I didnt have enough girls show up for school. Its extremely frustrating. I was talking to the principal and v-principal about it and we are almost to the point of bringing all the girls together and saying "are we in this to play, are you going to commit to coming to school and supporting the rest of your team? because if you're not - then this team/season is going to be over". What answer we would get from them, I dont know - but during practice i get maybe 3 or 4 girls that show up. And, i cant really punish the other girls for not showing up, because they we have to forfeit because girls didnt come to practice and we are punishing the girls that did come to practice. Its kind of at a standstill as to what will happen in the next couple of weeks - we have all of November left of the season - and im not sure how many of them we will be playing.
On another note - Dave got into an accident last night - Not Dave's fault. Some old guy broadsided him. So, now Dave has got the rental until his car gets fixed. Wouldnt you know that is how it works - my car finally gets settled and dealed with (almost - Im still waiting for a check) and now Dave has to deal with it all over again. The odd part - I guess in the past 3 weeks his brother and his brother's fiance also got in accidents that were not their fault - I think they were both rear-ended. What's the odds of that happening - all 4 of us have been in accidents (that were not our fault) in the past month. Kinda Creepy..
Happy Halloween! Dont let the spooks in.
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