Thursday, April 27, 2006

I need practice..

I have recently come to the conclusion that I need some serious help in the areas of pool playing and dart shooting. I love to do both. LOVE THEM! But, I really do suck at them both. Not as much at pool, at least I can hold my own. Though, if I played anybody really good id be out of luck. But, darts.. I played darts on Saturday night with some friends. There were four of us. I ended up with 16 points. Everybody else was over 100. Does that tell you anything? Mental note, I should never be on a dart league. Too bad I love it so much. I think I just may need more practice.

On a side note, I am going out tomorrow night with a few of the girls I teach with. Hitting some bar out on the west side, though we were invited to a party on the south side. Im not sure what is going to happen. But, I think the west side is winning. lol.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Mom's Big Day..


On a side note....

Nothing else really happened. I have 30 days of class left before spring break. 30 days. Okay, really I only have 28 days days, because 2 of those days I have a teachers convention that I am going go. 28 days. 3 of which are finals. So, 25 teaching days left. 1 day will be a review... 24 teaching days left. 4 days will be working on their final projects. 20 teaching days left.

GEESH!! I only have 20 teaching days left to teach these kids everything they need to know? That is only 4 weeks. Crazy, Crazy I tell you. Though, they will pull through, they always do. .. At least I hope they do.. Yesterday, in first hour (out of 22 students) I had 5. In 3rd hour (out of 22 students) I had 7.... and in 5th hour (out of 19 students) I had 3. If this keeps up, it will be a problem... a big problem called students not passing the class..

Err! The one thing that I do get frustrated about - when my students make the decision not to come to school!!

Melinda, Melinda

I just have to comment on the movie "Melinda Melinda". I saw it for the first time last night. I started watching at at 9:45pm (that may have been my first mistake). Dont think, by any means, that the movie was bad. It was just very interesting. The whole movie is actually 2 movies that are put into one. Kinda hard to explain. Watch it you will understand. Will Ferrell is in the movie, so you know there are some good one liners and just funny moments in general... The movie made me laugh.. But, still made me wonder who makes up these things?

Monday, April 24, 2006

Spring break events

Spring break is over... Though, Im actually glad to be back at work. 7 weeks of class left. Then, 2 weeks off, and I am off to Colorado with 9 other of my co-workers for a teachers convention (and some really good times).. Then, back for 2 1/2 weeks and I am off to Nashville with Monica for a week.. Looking forward to that immensely..

Okay, back to my spring break.. It was incredibly eventful - at least for me anyways.
The overview.

Went to the tattoo shop to see if Bigs could draw my tattoo for me. (HE CAN) and get a price.
Relaxed with my roommates

I got my tattoo!! Its on my right shoulder and I absolutely love it! Though, it is still healing.
Took the dogs to play in the yard
Read outside

Meghan, Zoey, Kismet and I went to a play date for our dogs (zoey and kismet) to play with Meghan's parents dog, Piper
Went out to karaoke, drinking and bowling with Monica.
Met this super cool guy named Ryan who will be fun to party with on occasion.

I worked at the video store
Went to look at Tattoos with Gerry (he got his that night, though I havent seen it yet)
Met Gerry's new girlfriend (shes really nice)
Hung around the house.

Brewer game with Monica, Dearth, Brent and Chip
On the way, picked up a keg, and tapped it..
Brewers lost.. we partied it up until about 3am..

Cleaned house
Went back over to visit Dearth, Brent and Chip..
Patti and group came over around 2:45am to join the party.. finally got home around 5am..

My roommate had a miscarriage around 6am. So, today was a rough day. I was mainly just around for her to cry on when she needed it.
And, I picked up my friend from the airport at 4:00.

That was the extend of my spring break.. I stayed busy... i love my tattoo.. Its number 2 for me.. Though, they are addictive, and I am definately on the lookout for #3!

Monday, April 10, 2006

The time has come..

Yes folks.. the time has once again come.. after 3 long years of having to put it off.. I am once again planning a trip to Nashville, TN.. Unfortunately, it is not for fan fair - I am still working during that time block.. But, instead, I am going the middle of July.. for a whomping 4 or 5 days. I am very excited.. Oh.. but, there are so many days until then..

On another note - my weekend was great! My students are amazing today! Overall, its a spledid day...

Congrats to Deborah on being preggo with baby number 2..

Friday, April 07, 2006

Finally Friday...

I dont know about everybody else, but this week has been extremely long... But, not long in a bad way.. No major catastrophes, collisions or bad occurances.. It has just taken forever to get over with. I cant imagine how next week will go. Classes, as normal, Monday-Wednesday and then just half a day on Thursday and no school on Friday (our spring break starts) - FINALLY. It is long overdue and I need it in large quantities. Im not sure about everybody else, but I am starting to get burnt out some days. Our attendance is dropping - it happens every year at this time. With the warm weather, comes the students decisions that they are going to stay away from school and enjoy the weather. Unfortunately, that is extrememly hurtful for their grades and prospects of graduating. Oh well. Today, at 8am when class started. I had none - thats right folks - I had 0 students. As of right now, at 8:30am.. I have 5 students.... This is what irritates me.. Try teaching with 5 students.. when the rest decide to come on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday.. They are going to be lost.. L-O-S-T... and then we have to take extra long to get them caught up so that they will understand that new material... Oh the joys..

On another note... Zoey is doing marvelously. I brought her home on Sunday.. A little weary of how she would do. Mainly for her barking/whining when you leave her in a kennel alone. Monday was a little iffy.. she cried, but nothing too horrible. Plus, Meghan (1 of my roommates), has the "noisy can", which is a soda can filled with rocks.. When she barks she shakes it outside the door really loud.. It startles Zoey, and she is learning not to bark. Meghan shakes it because I am at work.. and Zoey really starts to bark when she can hear somebody awake and up, and still is in her kennel. Unfortunately, Eric (the other roommate) is across the hall from me, so when Meghan shakes the "noisy can", it wakes him up as well..

** side note: my roommates do have jobs! Meghan was temporarily unemployed but is starting a new job on Monday and Eric starts work at 9am. So, when I leave at 7:ooam, everybody is till asleep - hense the reason Zoey goes in her kennel. When they get up, they let Zoey out of her kennel when she stops barking.

Oh well. Things have been going better.. We really only needed the "noisy can" monday and Tuesday.... Which is a very positive thing.. Plus, her Potty training is going marvelous, no accident in a really long time. Hopefully, soon, we will not need the kennel when i leave for work, and she can wander the house!.. We will see..

Enough, my students are working, and I should go check on them - though, the five that are here should be having absolutely no problem with the review that they are doing today.

Till next time..

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Weekend..

I actually had a fairly busy weekend.. It doesnt happen very often - so i thought I would relive the events for you..


  • I got home around 3:15ish from work..
  • Meghan was there - talked with her for a bit
  • Went to a church fish fry with my 2 roommates (Meghan and Eric), and then Andrea, her fiance- Chris, and their next door neighbors.
  • West back to Andrea and Chris' house - met Chrissy there (their roommate until they get married in 2 months.)
  • Played drinking games -mainly asshole- for almost 4 hours.
  • Went home (Meghan had to work at 5:30am on Saturday morning)


  • Woke up at 7:30
  • Staff Meeting at the video store from 8:30-10:15
  • Grocery for some healthy stuff to have in my house
  • Shopping with Krista - the Learning Shop, World Market, Southridge Mall, etc.
  • Watched "Just Friends" when i got home.
  • Made Jumbalya (sp?)
  • Watched Phoenix Animal Rescue with Meghan for a couple hours when she got home from work.
  • Went to hang out with a friend for a couple hours.


  • Work at the video store 8am-noon
  • Went to Oconomowoc to go to a party thing with Steve (yes, we still hang out - but just as friends!)
  • Lunch at Denny's
  • Steve and I went to go see Ice Age: The Meltdown (Great movie - I loved it)
  • Gave Zoey a bath so she didnt stink when i brought her back to my house
  • Zoey and I went back to my house.
  • Watched "Millions"
  • Went to bed......

My plan for tonight?? Hum.. I want to watch "Brokeback Mountain" and "Chronicles of Narnia" Plus, I have to go to Office Max and pick up some dry erase markers..