Alright - so I understand that I havent updated in forever. And, in all reality I do not think anybody reads this anyways. (except for Dave and Hannah - both whom I dearly love). But, the goal of this is so that I have a record of what is going on in my life. So, whether it be boring or not. I should update. I have been on SpringBreak for the past 10 days. Ideally, i would like another week off, but I know that is not going to happen. Over break, i did absolutely nothing. I went back home to my parents for easter (and they once again tried to bribe me to move back home - it never fails - they always try). I took Rhiannon shopping the day before easter and to lunch. We bought some scrapbooking stuff and a couple webkins for her. It was quite the fun time.
What else? It was really good to be home again. I have to find a weekend this summer when I can go back - summer always seems to get really busy and crazy. But, we will make some time.
My time back here was pretty simple. I watched movies, spent time with Dave (who - did I mention - I love more than anything?), hung out with the dogs, shoved after a mid-April snowstorm (I think we got a good 6 inches of wet, heavy snow - that is all gone now). It was the perfect way to spend a spring break.
Now, I go back to school tomorrow and have 8 more weeks with the students. Then a week of teacher clean up to do and then I am off for the summer - which I am very much looking forward to. Around this time - I always look forward to the summer time. I get used to not having to go to work, and being able to sleep until 7am (somtimes 8am) instead of 6am. I know, its a great thing! lol.
What else? Katie asked me to be her baby's godmother, so I am pretty excited about that as well. The little bundle should be arriving within the next 5 weeks. I cant wait to meet her!