Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My Rental Car...

Alright, so last weekend I went to the packer game - which I wrote about. Today I took my car in to get fixed and pick up my rental. I was expecting a (the the equivalent to a) Chevy Malibu. I show up - see a little Saturn in the parking lot, and get a little depressed. So, i go inside and hand my keys over to the fix it lady and meet with the rental guy.. He says to me, "Im sorry, but we were out of midsize cars." At this point, Im like - great, so I get a little piece of shit car.. But, noo... he proceeds with.. "So, we had to upgrade your rental - I hope that is okay". Yeah, well - NO problem here. Im excited to say that for the next 4 or so days, I am the driver of a 2006 Chevy Trainblazer LS. It is one sweet vehicle! And I am very excited..

Friday, August 18, 2006

Packers and Poop

On Saturday I am going to the Packer game.. I am actually really excited - except for the fact that I heard it is supposed to rain.. I am NOT excited about that.... Not at all.

We were planning on grilling out before the game. The only problem, was that none of us had a little grill. I cant believe that none of us had one.. So, we thought - maybe - we wouldnt be able to grill. BUT, the boy came to my rescue. As I left his house tonight, he let me take his little grill with me - so - now we have a grill to use before the game.. Very exciting!

OMG! I was working at the video store last night, it was about 11:15pm, and it was just Dan and I in the store. This group of like 4 little kids (about 6 or 7) walk up to the front counter. One of the boys puts his hands on his hips lifts up his foot, points to it and says "somebody pooped in the game room! And I stepped in it!". At this, I looked at Dan, like "are they serious".. Thinking, they're 6, maybe they are lying. So, Dan proceeds to walk back to the game room, comes back - and... informs me that, indeed - somebody had pooped in the game room. There were about 9 turds on the floor. The only thing, it was not in just one pile. It was like they were walking around as they were pooping. Luckily, picking up poop is not in my job description, so Dan was deligated to pick it up. I dont know.. On a side note - my last day at the video store is tomorrow.. I will miss some of the people, but not really any of the garbage that you have to deal with!

okay, its almost 1am, and its time for me to go to bed..

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Yes, I have given into the pressure of having a myspace. I am not going to give up my duties of blogging on here - there is way to much invested in this to give it up. But, the myspace is just to keep in contact with some friends. But, go and check it out - its nothing special - just another space for me in cyberland. the address is http://www.myspace.com/sarahg80

Other than that, I am going back, by choice, to work tomorrow. I do not have to be back until the 24th, but I have to set up my new classroom - I moved downstairs. So, I thought i would go back a day or two to get all that situated. Plus, I am doing student registration Wednesday-Friday, which I am looking forward too.

Alright - enough. Go check out my myspace page......

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Okay, so remember - the other day - when i wrote about not having a boy? Well - I met one.. He's SUPER nice, and very cute.. and I do enjoy his company (which is a major plus). But, thats all Im going to say....

As for everything else - life is going well. Im enjoying summer and liking my time off, though it will come to an end WAY too soon!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

and the heat continues...

Okay, this is Monica and I on Friday at the Toys concert.. At some church festival in New Berlin. It was H-O-T and humid and I was sweating like you would not believe..

We had a blast.. we always do..

Next Show: Love Monkeys - Aug 4th - State Fair. I am VERY excited!!!