Tuesday, March 22, 2005

For the LOVE of COUNTRY.....

Okay.. I am now sitting in class, laughing hysterically!! My students found a CD in my room that just has 8 songs on it.. I made it this morning for no real reason. Liz in standing in my room, mocking the songs, trying to do to two step.... But, she doesnt know how to do the two step. . She is laughing, the whole class is laughing. This class of inner city students, who listen to nothing but hip hop, rap, alternative is listening to country... going through it, telling me their opinion of each song. Oh my. talk about humor in the class.. On top of things.. Noel, is trying to sing the songs too.. Of course, throwing in all the extra twang... Geesh..

So, my last night was okay... I went to Blockbuster (I do NOT recommend that store - but I wasnt near a Family Video and didnt have a choice).. Well, I rented 2 Eddie Izzard comedy DVD's.. If you have never seen a Eddie Izzard Stand up DVD, you have got to experience it.. Its hilarious.. I would recommend Glorious. I think its his best one.. The 2 that i saw last night were okay, but not as good as Glorious.

Tonight I have to work from 4-close... Not looking forward to that.. Oh well.. stuff has to be done I guess.. At least it will be a really good paycheck next time.. that is what i keep thinking.. this will be worth it when I see the paycheck..

Alright, Im going to go for now, and enjoy my students listening to this CD and all their comments as the song plays...

Monday, March 21, 2005

Friday Review..

Hi all.. Just a quick update about the Chasin' Mason show on Friday. I wish I had pictures, but unfortunately I do not. I realized a little before I left that the batteries in my digital were dead. So, no batteries, no pictures. Next time, I promise.. If you want to see pictures, go to http://chasinmason.net Even if you dont want to see pictures, go to that site..

The show itself was amazing. When is it not? Busy as ever.. It seems that there are more and more people there each time.. Which is amazing! It means that the word about the guys is getting out there. WHich is exactly what we need! Went with Katie, Steve and Tina (she came out later). Danced, drank.... Had a ball.. Cant wait to see them again. Trying to plan a road trip to see them (since they are not at Kelly's again until the end of April). A road trip sounds like a LOT of fun...

Unfortunately, I was not able to make the Saturday show.. Nobody to go with, and a little short on funds. It has been bill paying week, so $$$ is a little tight until I get paid again on Tuesday...

Other than that.. I freaked out when I saw my schedule for Family Video. Normally I work about 20 hours there.. Which is fine. .teaching (40 hours) + Family Video (20 hours) = 60 hours of work a week.. That sounds like a lot, but its doable. I went in on Friday to get my schedule and saw 31 hours. Okay, 40 (teaching) and 31 = 71 hours.. that is a LOT of hours to be working in a week. Who, in the right mind, wants to work 71 hours?? AARRGGHH!! I think I am going to go insane this week!!

I spent Saturday and Sunday in Oconomowoc.. Nothing big to tell there.. Was a basic weekend.. Relaxing and good... Now, I am back to work.. Teaching these students, hoping they remember at least a fraction of what I am putting into their brains.

Friday, March 18, 2005


As promised I posted a few more Chasin' Mason pics on here for you all.. Remember, the original ones are down the page a bit... They are all amazing.. Hopefully will have a few more after tonight to post on here...

If you are in the area (Milwaukee, WI), check them out tonight at Kelly's Bleachers 2 in Wind Lake, WI..

AND.. if you are NOT in the area, check them out at http://www.chasinmason.net You dont know what you are missing if you have not yet heard these guys. They are the hottest new group in country music!!!

Chasin' Mason - Tonight at Kelly's 2 in Wind Lake, WI!!  Posted by Hello

Come out and see them tonight!! Posted by Hello

Billy... Posted by Hello

Friday, March 11, 2005

My students

I thought I would post a few pictures of my students... These are not all of them, but some....

Michael and Noel - one of the few days they were both there.. Posted by Hello

Neal, still working... Posted by Hello

Neal - he's one of my favorites.. Posted by Hello

Liz - her favorite quote is "this day is too damn long." Posted by Hello

Justin, Michael and Noel - working, for the most part... Posted by Hello

Joyce and Danny, working on Fractals Posted by Hello

Eric and my hall pass (that he ripped apart) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Lots complaints about a bad day..

Im sitting here, in all honesty, in not so good of a mood.. The entire week has just been go, go, go.... Im not saying that being busy is a bad thing. I actually like to stay busy. This just wasnt the week for it. I am soooooo tired today. I worked last night until 12:30... Got home and couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. Tonight is my last night of work until Sunday. But, I worked, Sunday -Wednesday night. in addition to my 40 hours of teaching. I think this week I am working 60+ hours. It is just crazy.... In addition to an insane amount of work, I found out on Monday that my uncle passed away.. So, tomorrow, I am leaving at 5:20am to go home. No, not to go home.. To go to Athens, which is about an hour past home. I have a 4 hour drive to look forward to tomorrow morning. The exciting part, I get to drive through Madison during morning rush hour traffic.. Err.. Then, I am coming back home tomorrow night. Another 4 hour drive.... I have to work on Friday still...

I hate bad days.. I wish I could just curl up and go to sleep... My 4th hour class is annoying me today.. and giving me attitude.. and just being general pains... Arguing about everything with me. Today is not the day, because they will not win. I hope work goes well tonight at the video store, I can't imagine having a shitty day there too.... 4-9:30... That shouldnt be so bad. We should stay busy most of the time.... I hope anyways.. I started getting worn out yesterday and getting grumpy... and today just built on it... I dont have the patience for these students today.. They have only been here for 25 minutes and Im already ready to say goodbye to them.. And they still have 49 minutes of class left..

On a good note, I just found out that Kenny Chesney, Gretchen Wilson and Pat Green are scheduled to perform on the opening day of Summerfest this year.. Definately want to go to that show....

Saturday, March 05, 2005

All alone

Here is sit... Saturday morning at 12:46am.. I just got home from work about 15 min ago.. We actually got out early tonight.. big plus there.. But, now here I sit alone.. I dont want to be here alone.. I want to be here with Steve.. Its the first night in over a week that I haven't gotten to spend the night with him... one gets into a habit, and I do not want to break that habit.. So, here I sit all alone.. Knowing that I should go to bed.. but, not tired at all. I decided that I am going to watch a movie, in hopes of falling asleep to it.. I am currently watching "The Notebook".. Its an amazing movie.. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it highly..

Alright.. Im going to lay down, and hope to fall asleep....

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Can you be allergic to worms??

I just realized that I have yet t0 post in March. Luckily, it is only March 2. Whew.. I have not been slacking for toooooo long.
The other night I was talking to my friend Hannah - my bestest friend in college.. She also has a blog (check it out). Lately she has been having writing block. So, being the good friend that I am... I was going to help her out by giving her suggestions to write about - she didnt think any were that good... Oh well.. But, I decided to reminesce on a story that happened my freshman or sophomore year of college. My roommates (Hannah and Deborah) and I were frequent players of Scattergories. We would have all out wars with this game. Well, the letter was W.. No problem, I thought... I loved this game, and was pretty good.. Time went, we wrote our answers.. Time up, time to go through answers... Everything was going well.. UNTIL, we got the the question.... Something you can be allergic to...... In my mind, you could be alltergic to anything. My answer then, was - worm.. You can be alltergic to a worm. Its a thing.. and you can be allergic to anything. Oh, but my fellow players thought differently. They argued with me, and told me that a person could NOT be allergic to worms. Needless to say, I lost.. But, I still defend the fact that a person can be allergic worms. I think that it is completely feasible to be allergic to a worm. So.. any opinions.. Its been at least 4 years.. and I still do not know if you can seriously be allergic to a worm!!!